Friday, December 5, 2014


TechnoWave is a multinational technology and consulting corporation headquartered in New York City, United States. It manufactures and sells computer hardware and software and offers infrastructure, hosting and consulting services ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. They operate in 5 regions of the world: North America, South America, South Asia, Europe and Africa. Techno Wave strives to support the overall business management process by managing risks to ensure that IT services (including computer systems, networks, applications, telecommunications, technical support, and service desks) can be recovered within required, agreed-to business timescales. As the HR director you are tasked with hiring a country manager for a Techno wave based on a country of your choice. You will develop an entire integrated global HR strategic staffing system from recruiting, selection, training and evaluation of the employee.

Please follow the phases below to complete this assignment:

Phase 1 Staffing, recruiting and selection (approx. 2 pages) Based on the scenario: • Conduct a job analysis and create a comprehensive job description • Develop a recruiting plan based on the tasks discovered in the job analysis • Develop selection criteria for the country manager position

Phase 2 Training and development (approx. 2 pages) Based upon the tasks identified in the job analysis, formulate a one day training plan for the new hire. Identify the specific components and content areas that you would cover.

Phase 3 Compensation and benefits (approx. 1 page) Create a job offer letter that outlines the compensation and benefits and terms of employment for this position.
Phase 4 Evaluation and performance management (approx. 2 pages) After 6 months, you will be asked to evaluate the new employee’s performance. Create and explain a performance measurement tool. Provide a sample output of the measures.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Siaya County is a county in the Nyanza Province of Kenya. Its has a Total Population of 842,304 ;  199,034 House holds and covers an area of 2,530.5 SQ. KM. The Population density is 332 PER SQ. KM and 57.9% of the population live below the poverty line.
Some Strengths of Siaya County include:
  1. Natural resources as agricultural land, fisheries, indigenous forests,rivers, timber
  2. Tourist Attractions as Yala swamp and wetlands, Ndanu Falls, Lake Kanyaboli and Lake Victoria
  3. Main Economic Activities include substinence farming, livestock keeping, fishing, rice farming and small scale trading

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Agriculture activities in Siaya district

Many crops are grown in Siaya district. There are a small amounts of cotton, coffee, sugarcane and tobacco cash crops. Green vegetables such as kale and indigenous greens grow with partial irrigation. Farmers use kitchen water, spring water and intricate systems of trenches for catching rainwater to irrigate, mostly by hand.
Bananas, sweet potatoes and cassava do well when fed by rain and are grown widely as security crops that will withstand drought and feed families during famines. These can also be sold for income, especially bananas.
Local breeds make up most of the livestock in Siaya district. Farmers crossbreed cattle and poultry to raise the quality of the local breeds. In the past there was enough land for cows to graze freely in fields and most families had large herds of more than 20 heads. Now, cows are tied up to graze in small grassy areas or kept at home for zero-grazing. The average family in Siaya District has only around 3 cows. Most compounds that you visit will have a flock of free-range chickens.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

 Kisumu County Governor Jack Ranguma drives one of the tractors unveiled to help improve farming in the county. An initial 23 have been acquired for this purpose. To his left is his deputy Ruth Odinga. The tractors will be hired out at a subsidised fee of Sh1500 per acre to farmers. PHOTO/TOM OTIENO.

Farming in Kisumu County has received a major boost after the acquisition of 23 tractors.
The tractors will help more farmers embrace mechanized agriculture.
This was in response to concerns that lack of mechanization contributed to food insecurity in Nyanza region.
The ceremony was presided over by Governor Jack Ranguma of Kisumu at Kenyatta Sports Ground.
During the function, the governor disclosed that the county government will subsidise the cost of hiring the tractors to boost their uptake.
In this regard, farmers from the six constituencies of Kisumu County are expected to engage in large scale high value crop production for exports.
“We want more people to come forward and utilise farms that have been lying fallow because of their large sizes. Farmers will only pay Sh1,500 per acre to use the tractors,” said Mr Ranguma.
He further said that the launch was an actualization of the government’s commitment to food security and value addition for economic growth of the region.
“We have started a journey that will make farmers from Kisumu and neighbouring counties increase their productivity beyond subsistence farming through higher yields,” he said.
He said 8 tractors were purchased by the county with 15 others acquired through partnership with private investors.
More tractors for lease will be made available from CMC Motors, Farmtrac, and Ford.
“We are also in the process of acquiring machinery to equip more agriculture service stations all over Kisumu County,” said Mr Ranguma.
Pandi Fresh Foods Operations Manager Dennis Ndira said that the company will ensure complete utilisation of the crops harvested through the farming initiatives that the county has embraced.
Mr Ndira said that private investments will create opportunities for the markets that have been a discouragement to many people seeking to engage in agriculture.
“We have come to solve your market needs. The orders we have from outside the county for high value crops are,” said Mr Ndira.
Deputy Governor Ruth Odinga who was also present at the launch said job creation through agriculture as a business will be made possible.
“We urge you to embrace the initiative and benefit from quick land preparations and make agribusiness a source of income,” said Ms Odinga.
She expressed optimism that the region, that had been stereotyped to be non-productive, will be food secure by the end of the current county government’s 5-year term.
“The value addition and export processing will surely build us, but we must take it up wholly to ensure the supply chain to other counties and internationally is not broken,” said Dr Stephen Orot, County Executive Member for Agriculture.
The tractors will enable more people engage in agriculture by utilising large tracts of land in Ahero, Muhoroni, Nyando and Rabuor.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fungal diseases
Anthracnose leaf blight
Anthracnose stalk rot
Colletotrichum graminicola
Glomerella graminicola [teleomorph]
Glomerella tucumanensis
Glomerella falcatum [anamorph]
Aspergillus ear and kernel rot Aspergillus flavus
Banded leaf and sheath spot Rhizoctonia solani = Rhizoctonia microsclerotia
Thanatephorus cucumeris [teleomorph]
Black bundle disease Acremonium strictum = Cephalosporium acremonium
Black kernel rot Lasiodiplodia theobromae = Botryodiplodia theobromae
Borde blanco Marasmiellus sp.
Brown spot
Black spot
Stalk rot
Physoderma maydis
Cephalosporium kernel rot Acremonium strictum = Cephalosporium acremonium
Charcoal rot Macrophomina phaseolina
Corticium ear rot Thanatephorus cucumeris = Corticium sasakii
Curvularia leaf spot Curvularia clavata
Curvularia eragrostidis = Curvularia maculans
Cochliobolus eragrostidis [teleomorph]
Curvularia inaequalis
Curvularia intermedia
Cochliobolus intermedius [teleomorph]
Curvularia lunata
Cochliobolus lunatus [teleomorph]
Curvularia pallescens
Cochliobolus pallescens [teleomorph]
Curvularia senegalensis
Curvularia tuberculata
Cochliobolus tuberculatus [teleomorph]
Didymella leaf spot Didymella exitalis
Diplodia ear rot and stalk rot Diplodia frumenti
Botryosphaeria festucae [teleomorph]
Diplodia ear rot
Stalk rot
Seed rot
Seedling blight
Diplodia maydis
Diplodia leaf spot or leaf streak Stenocarpella macrospora = Diplodia macrospora
Downy mildews
Brown stripe downy mildew Sclerophthora rayssiae
Crazy top downy mildew Sclerophthora macrospora = Sclerospora macrospora
Green ear downy mildew
Graminicola downy mildew
Sclerospora graminicola
Java downy mildew Peronosclerospora maydis = Sclerospora maydis
Philippine downy mildew Peronosclerospora philippinensis = Sclerospora philippinensis
Sorghum downy mildew Peronosclerospora sorghi = Sclerospora sorghi
Spontaneum downy mildew Peronosclerospora spontanea = Sclerospora spontanea
Sugarcane downy mildew Peronosclerospora sacchari = Sclerospora sacchari
Dry ear rot
Cob, kernel and stalk rot
Nigrospora oryzae
Khuskia oryzae [teleomorph]
Ear rots, minor Alternaria alternata = Alternaria tenuis
Aspergillus glaucus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus spp.
Botrytis cinerea
Botryotinia fuckeliana [teleomorph]
Cunninghamella sp.
Curvularia pallescens
Doratomyces stemonitis = Cephalotrichum stemonitis
Fusarium culmorum
Gonatobotrys simplex
Pithomyces maydicus
Rhizopus microsporus
Rhizopus stolonifer = Rhizopus nigricans
Scopulariopsis brumptii
Horse's tooth
Claviceps gigantea
Sphacelia sp. [anamorph]
Eyespot Aureobasidium zeae = Kabatiella zeae
Fusarium ear and stalk rot Fusarium subglutinans = Fusarium moniliforme
Fusarium kernel, root and stalk rot, seed rot and seedling blight Fusarium moniliforme Gibberella fujikuroi [teleomorph]
Fusarium stalk rot
Seedling root rot
Fusarium avenaceum
Gibberella avenacea [teleomorph]
Gibberella ear and stalk rot Gibberella zeae
Fusarium graminearum [anamorph]
Gray ear rot Botryosphaeria zeae = Physalospora zeae
Macrophoma zeae [anamorph]
Gray leaf spot Cercospora leaf spot
Cercospora sorghi = Cercospora sorghi
Cercospora zeae-maydis
Helminthosporium root rot Exserohilum pedicellatum = Helminthosporium pedicellatum
Setosphaeria pedicellata [teleomorph]
Hormodendrum ear rot
Cladosporium rot
Cladosporium cladosporioides = Hormodendrum cladosporioides
Cladosporium herbarum
Mycosphaerella tassiana [teleomorph]
Hyalothyridium leaf spot Hyalothyridium maydis
Late wilt Cephalosporium maydis
Leaf spots, minor Alternaria alternata
Ascochyta maydis
Ascochyta tritici
Ascochyta zeicola
Bipolaris victoriae = Helminthosporium victoriae
Cochliobolus victoriae [teleomorph]
Cochliobolus sativus
Bipolaris sorokiniana [anamorph] = Helminthosporium sorokinianum = H. sativum
Epicoccum nigrum
Exserohilum prolatum = Drechslera prolata
Setosphaeria prolata [teleomorph]
Graphium penicillioides
Leptosphaeria maydis
Leptothyrium zeae
Ophiosphaerella herpotricha
Scolecosporiella sp. [anamorph]
Paraphaeosphaeria michotii
Phoma sp.
Septoria zeae
Septoria zeicola
Septoria zeina
Northern corn leaf blight
White blast
Crown stalk rot
Setosphaeria turcica
Exserohilum turcicum [anamorph] = Helminthosporium turcicum
Northern corn leaf spot
Helminthosporium ear rot (race 1)
Cochliobolus carbonum
Bipolaris zeicola [anamorph] = Helminthosporium carbonum
Penicillium ear rot
Blue eye
Blue mold
Penicillium spp.
Penicillium chrysogenum
Penicillium expansum
Penicillium oxalicum
Phaeocytostroma stalk rot and root rot Phaeocytostroma ambiguum = Phaeocytosporella zeae
Phaeosphaeria leaf spot Phaeosphaeria maydis = Sphaerulina maydis
Physalospora ear rot
Botryosphaeria ear rot
Botryosphaeria festucae = Physalospora zeicola
Diplodia frumenti [anamorph]
Purple leaf sheath Hemiparasitic bacteria and fungi
Pyrenochaeta stalk rot and root rot Phoma terrestris = Pyrenochaeta terrestris
Pythium root rot Pythium spp.
Pythium arrhenomanes
Pythium graminicola
Pythium stalk rot Pythium aphanidermatum = Pythium butleri
Red kernel disease
Ear mold, leaf and seed rot
Epicoccum nigrum
Rhizoctonia ear rot
Sclerotial rot
Rhizoctonia zeae
Waitea circinata [teleomorph]
Rhizoctonia root rot and stalk rot Rhizoctonia solani
Rhizoctonia zeae
Root rots, minor Alternaria alternata
Cercospora sorghi
Dictochaeta fertilis
Fusarium acuminatum Gibberella acuminata [teleomorph]
Fusarium equiseti
Gibberella intricans [teleomorph]
Fusarium oxysporum
Fusarium pallidoroseum
Fusarium poae
Fusarium roseum
Gibberella cyanogena
Fusarium sulphureum [anamorph]
Microdochium bolleyi
Mucor sp.
Periconia circinata
Phytophthora cactorum
Phytophthora drechsleri
Phytophthora nicotianae
Rhizopus arrhizus
Rostratum leaf spot
Helminthosporium leaf disease, ear and stalk rot
Setosphaeria rostrata = Helminthosporium rostratum
Rust, common corn Puccinia sorghi
Rust, southern corn Puccinia polysora
Rust, tropical corn Physopella pallescens
Physopella zeae = Angiopsora zeae
Sclerotium ear rot Southern blight
Sclerotium rolfsii
Athelia rolfsii [teleomorph]
Seed rot-seedling blight Bipolaris sorokiniana
Bipolaris zeicola = Helminthosporium carbonum
Diplodia maydis
Exserohilum pedicillatum
Exserohilum turcicum = Helminthosporium turcicum
Fusarium avenaceum
Fusarium culmorum
Fusarium moniliforme
Gibberella zeae
Fusarium graminearum [anamorph]
Macrophomina phaseolina
Penicillium spp.
Phomopsis spp.
Pythium spp.
Rhizoctonia solani
Rhizoctonia zeae
Sclerotium rolfsii
Spicaria spp.
Selenophoma leaf spot Selenophoma sp.
Sheath rot Gaeumannomyces graminis
Shuck rot Myrothecium gramineum
Silage mold Monascus purpureus
Monascus ruber
Smut, common Ustilago zeae = Ustilago maydis
Smut, false Ustilaginoidea virens
Smut, head Sphacelotheca reiliana = Sporisorium holci-sorghi
Southern corn leaf blight and stalk rot Cochliobolus heterostrophus
Bipolaris maydis [anamorph] = Helminthosporium maydis
Southern leaf spot Stenocarpella macrospora = Diplodia macrospora
Stalk rots, minor Cercospora sorghi
Fusarium episphaeria
Fusarium merismoides
Fusarium oxysporum
Fusarium poae
Fusarium roseum
Fusarium solani
Nectria haematococca [teleomorph]
Fusarium tricinctum
Mariannaea elegans
Mucor spp.
Rhopographus zeae
Spicaria spp.
Storage rots Aspergillus spp.
Penicillium spp. and other fungi
Tar spot Phyllachora maydis
Trichoderma ear rot and root rot Trichoderma viride = Trichoderma lignorum
Hypocrea sp. [teleomorph]
White ear rot, root and stalk rot Stenocarpella maydis = Diplodia zeae
Yellow leaf blight Ascochyta ischaemi
Phyllosticta maydis
Mycosphaerella zeae-maydis [teleomorph]
Zonate leaf spot Gloeocercospora sorghi
Fungal diseases
Anthracnose leaf blight
Anthracnose stalk rot
Colletotrichum graminicola
Glomerella graminicola [teleomorph]
Glomerella tucumanensis
Glomerella falcatum [anamorph]
Aspergillus ear and kernel rot Aspergillus flavus
Banded leaf and sheath spot Rhizoctonia solani = Rhizoctonia microsclerotia
Thanatephorus cucumeris [teleomorph]
Black bundle disease Acremonium strictum = Cephalosporium acremonium
Black kernel rot Lasiodiplodia theobromae = Botryodiplodia theobromae
Borde blanco Marasmiellus sp.
Brown spot
Black spot
Stalk rot
Physoderma maydis
Cephalosporium kernel rot Acremonium strictum = Cephalosporium acremonium
Charcoal rot Macrophomina phaseolina
Corticium ear rot Thanatephorus cucumeris = Corticium sasakii
Curvularia leaf spot Curvularia clavata
Curvularia eragrostidis = Curvularia maculans
Cochliobolus eragrostidis [teleomorph]
Curvularia inaequalis
Curvularia intermedia
Cochliobolus intermedius [teleomorph]
Curvularia lunata
Cochliobolus lunatus [teleomorph]
Curvularia pallescens
Cochliobolus pallescens [teleomorph]
Curvularia senegalensis
Curvularia tuberculata
Cochliobolus tuberculatus [teleomorph]
Didymella leaf spot Didymella exitalis
Diplodia ear rot and stalk rot Diplodia frumenti
Botryosphaeria festucae [teleomorph]
Diplodia ear rot
Stalk rot
Seed rot
Seedling blight
Diplodia maydis
Diplodia leaf spot or leaf streak Stenocarpella macrospora = Diplodia macrospora
Downy mildews
Brown stripe downy mildew Sclerophthora rayssiae
Crazy top downy mildew Sclerophthora macrospora = Sclerospora macrospora
Green ear downy mildew
Graminicola downy mildew
Sclerospora graminicola
Java downy mildew Peronosclerospora maydis = Sclerospora maydis
Philippine downy mildew Peronosclerospora philippinensis = Sclerospora philippinensis
Sorghum downy mildew Peronosclerospora sorghi = Sclerospora sorghi
Spontaneum downy mildew Peronosclerospora spontanea = Sclerospora spontanea
Sugarcane downy mildew Peronosclerospora sacchari = Sclerospora sacchari
Dry ear rot
Cob, kernel and stalk rot
Nigrospora oryzae
Khuskia oryzae [teleomorph]
Ear rots, minor Alternaria alternata = Alternaria tenuis
Aspergillus glaucus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus spp.
Botrytis cinerea
Botryotinia fuckeliana [teleomorph]
Cunninghamella sp.
Curvularia pallescens
Doratomyces stemonitis = Cephalotrichum stemonitis
Fusarium culmorum
Gonatobotrys simplex
Pithomyces maydicus
Rhizopus microsporus
Rhizopus stolonifer = Rhizopus nigricans
Scopulariopsis brumptii
Horse's tooth
Claviceps gigantea
Sphacelia sp. [anamorph]
Eyespot Aureobasidium zeae = Kabatiella zeae
Fusarium ear and stalk rot Fusarium subglutinans = Fusarium moniliforme
Fusarium kernel, root and stalk rot, seed rot and seedling blight Fusarium moniliforme Gibberella fujikuroi [teleomorph]
Fusarium stalk rot
Seedling root rot
Fusarium avenaceum
Gibberella avenacea [teleomorph]
Gibberella ear and stalk rot Gibberella zeae
Fusarium graminearum [anamorph]
Gray ear rot Botryosphaeria zeae = Physalospora zeae
Macrophoma zeae [anamorph]
Gray leaf spot Cercospora leaf spot
Cercospora sorghi = Cercospora sorghi
Cercospora zeae-maydis
Helminthosporium root rot Exserohilum pedicellatum = Helminthosporium pedicellatum
Setosphaeria pedicellata [teleomorph]
Hormodendrum ear rot
Cladosporium rot
Cladosporium cladosporioides = Hormodendrum cladosporioides
Cladosporium herbarum
Mycosphaerella tassiana [teleomorph]
Hyalothyridium leaf spot Hyalothyridium maydis
Late wilt Cephalosporium maydis
Leaf spots, minor Alternaria alternata
Ascochyta maydis
Ascochyta tritici
Ascochyta zeicola
Bipolaris victoriae = Helminthosporium victoriae
Cochliobolus victoriae [teleomorph]
Cochliobolus sativus
Bipolaris sorokiniana [anamorph] = Helminthosporium sorokinianum = H. sativum
Epicoccum nigrum
Exserohilum prolatum = Drechslera prolata
Setosphaeria prolata [teleomorph]
Graphium penicillioides
Leptosphaeria maydis
Leptothyrium zeae
Ophiosphaerella herpotricha
Scolecosporiella sp. [anamorph]
Paraphaeosphaeria michotii
Phoma sp.
Septoria zeae
Septoria zeicola
Septoria zeina
Northern corn leaf blight
White blast
Crown stalk rot
Setosphaeria turcica
Exserohilum turcicum [anamorph] = Helminthosporium turcicum
Northern corn leaf spot
Helminthosporium ear rot (race 1)
Cochliobolus carbonum
Bipolaris zeicola [anamorph] = Helminthosporium carbonum
Penicillium ear rot
Blue eye
Blue mold
Penicillium spp.
Penicillium chrysogenum
Penicillium expansum
Penicillium oxalicum
Phaeocytostroma stalk rot and root rot Phaeocytostroma ambiguum = Phaeocytosporella zeae
Phaeosphaeria leaf spot Phaeosphaeria maydis = Sphaerulina maydis
Physalospora ear rot
Botryosphaeria ear rot
Botryosphaeria festucae = Physalospora zeicola
Diplodia frumenti [anamorph]
Purple leaf sheath Hemiparasitic bacteria and fungi
Pyrenochaeta stalk rot and root rot Phoma terrestris = Pyrenochaeta terrestris
Pythium root rot Pythium spp.
Pythium arrhenomanes
Pythium graminicola
Pythium stalk rot Pythium aphanidermatum = Pythium butleri
Red kernel disease
Ear mold, leaf and seed rot
Epicoccum nigrum
Rhizoctonia ear rot
Sclerotial rot
Rhizoctonia zeae
Waitea circinata [teleomorph]
Rhizoctonia root rot and stalk rot Rhizoctonia solani
Rhizoctonia zeae
Root rots, minor Alternaria alternata
Cercospora sorghi
Dictochaeta fertilis
Fusarium acuminatum Gibberella acuminata [teleomorph]
Fusarium equiseti
Gibberella intricans [teleomorph]
Fusarium oxysporum
Fusarium pallidoroseum
Fusarium poae
Fusarium roseum
Gibberella cyanogena
Fusarium sulphureum [anamorph]
Microdochium bolleyi
Mucor sp.
Periconia circinata
Phytophthora cactorum
Phytophthora drechsleri
Phytophthora nicotianae
Rhizopus arrhizus
Rostratum leaf spot
Helminthosporium leaf disease, ear and stalk rot
Setosphaeria rostrata = Helminthosporium rostratum
Rust, common corn Puccinia sorghi
Rust, southern corn Puccinia polysora
Rust, tropical corn Physopella pallescens
Physopella zeae = Angiopsora zeae
Sclerotium ear rot Southern blight
Sclerotium rolfsii
Athelia rolfsii [teleomorph]
Seed rot-seedling blight Bipolaris sorokiniana
Bipolaris zeicola = Helminthosporium carbonum
Diplodia maydis
Exserohilum pedicillatum
Exserohilum turcicum = Helminthosporium turcicum
Fusarium avenaceum
Fusarium culmorum
Fusarium moniliforme
Gibberella zeae
Fusarium graminearum [anamorph]
Macrophomina phaseolina
Penicillium spp.
Phomopsis spp.
Pythium spp.
Rhizoctonia solani
Rhizoctonia zeae
Sclerotium rolfsii
Spicaria spp.
Selenophoma leaf spot Selenophoma sp.
Sheath rot Gaeumannomyces graminis
Shuck rot Myrothecium gramineum
Silage mold Monascus purpureus
Monascus ruber
Smut, common Ustilago zeae = Ustilago maydis
Smut, false Ustilaginoidea virens
Smut, head Sphacelotheca reiliana = Sporisorium holci-sorghi
Southern corn leaf blight and stalk rot Cochliobolus heterostrophus
Bipolaris maydis [anamorph] = Helminthosporium maydis
Southern leaf spot Stenocarpella macrospora = Diplodia macrospora
Stalk rots, minor Cercospora sorghi
Fusarium episphaeria
Fusarium merismoides
Fusarium oxysporum
Fusarium poae
Fusarium roseum
Fusarium solani
Nectria haematococca [teleomorph]
Fusarium tricinctum
Mariannaea elegans
Mucor spp.
Rhopographus zeae
Spicaria spp.
Storage rots Aspergillus spp.
Penicillium spp. and other fungi
Tar spot Phyllachora maydis
Trichoderma ear rot and root rot Trichoderma viride = Trichoderma lignorum
Hypocrea sp. [teleomorph]
White ear rot, root and stalk rot Stenocarpella maydis = Diplodia zeae
Yellow leaf blight Ascochyta ischaemi
Phyllosticta maydis
Mycosphaerella zeae-maydis [teleomorph]
Zonate leaf spot Gloeocercospora sorghi